Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Los Mayas

1) The Maya civilization's time period: 10th century-15th century.
2) The Maya civilization lived in Southeasten Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
10 Facts about the Mayas
  1. The Maya lived in Mexico.
  2. About 800 years later their town was empty.
  3. Maya played a ball court game that was like basketball and soccer.
  4. The Maya people called the the calendar, Tzolkin.
  5. The pyramids had shapes depending on where they were built.
  6. Maya chewed gum they used it to clean there teeth (chicozapote).
  7. The reason the people left is still a mystery.
  8. Bonamak means painted walls.
  9. The Maya used pain killers.
  10. The Maya called chocolate the drink of the gods.

4)I researched about the Maya and learned that the Maya chewed gum. They used the gum to clean their teeth. The tree that they get gum is called chicozapote. The Maya people called their calendar, tzokin. I also leaned that they lived in the Southeastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador.